Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopathy, LLC
Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy by Amy Lansky
– Comprehensive, in-depth, but user-friendly book on the history, philosophy, science, and experience of homeopathy
Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine by Timothy Dooley
– Short and simple introduction to homeopathy: what it is, when to use it, what to expect, how to get results.
Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathy by Dana Ullman
– Outlines the principles and remedies of homeopathy
Ritalin Free Kids by Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman
– Compares the conventional and homeopathic approaches; includes case histories
Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber
– Encyclopedia of energetic medicine including homeopathy, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, crystals, charkas, and meditation
The Vaccine Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-From Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years by Jennifer Margulis and Paul Thomas
-- An accessible and reassuring guide to childhood health and immunity from a pediatrician who's both knowledgeable about the latest scientific research and respectful of a family's risk factors, health history, and concerns.
Minnesota Homeopathic Association – includes a list of local practitioners, flu resources, and more
National Center for Homeopathy – information about homeopathy in the United States and around the world; includes list of published scientific studies showing effectiveness of homeopathy
Homeopathic Educational Services – A good starting place to deepen your understanding of homeopathy. Includes articles by Dana Ullman, author of many books on homeopathic prescribing at home
Homeopathy for Everyone – A huge evidence base of homeopathy research studies including human trails, clinical trials, invitro and invivo research.
Swiss Government Report on Homeopathic Medicine – In late 2011, the Swiss government’s report on homeopathic medicine represents the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever written by a government.
Homeopathy Research Institute reports on observational studies showing that homeopathic medicine has consistently been found to be effective in real world medicine.
Beyond Flat Earth Medicine – This easy-to-read book is the best all-around introduction to homeopathy available. Dr. Dooley intersperses stories from his twenty-five years of training and experience.
Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform Project – Home of the grass roots consumer organization formed to protect access to natural health care in the state of Minnesota.
An important part of my practice is educating about homeopathy. I regularly present public classes about the benefits of homeopathy and how to treat common ailments. Examples include Homeopathic Care of New Mothers and Infants, Women in Midlife, and Natural Treatment of Colds and Flu.
I have taught classes for food co-ops, community education programs, and parents’ groups. A typical class lasts 90 to 120 minutes.
A favorite class is Homeopathy 101: Opening the Home Medicine Chest which covers how to treat your family’s everyday illness with safe, gentle homeopathic remedies including: how to use remedies effectively for ear infections, flu, stomach upsets, fevers, cold, injuries and emotional shocks; top ten homeopathic remedies to keep on hand; and guidelines for when to consult your homeopath and when to call a doctor.
One of the toughest issues parents face is determining if they will vaccinate their children and what to do if their children get sick if they do not vaccinate. For those considering alternatives to conventional vaccination, I offer Homeoprophlaxis: A Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccination. This class is designed to help you make informed decisions concerning your child’s health and determine if homeoprophylaxis is a good option for your family. The class covers:
• How your child’s immune system works
• Healthy support of fevers
• How vaccination works and impact on immune system
• Homeoprophylaxis (HP): a disease prevention model that promotes normal immune system development
• Clinical findings of HP Program
Want to avoid the flu shot? Kids in school and worrying about what they are exposed to? Travel plans and want to stay healthy? Attend a Flu Prevention Clinic where we’ll cover: flu prevention through homeopathy and chiropractic care; natural, safe and effective treatment of flu symptoms; and keeping your immune system strong. This class will help you go into winter prepared with what to do if you or a family member gets the flu.
Contact me if you would like to set up a class for your group or organization or if you would like meet one on one with me.
“Jackie’s Homeopathy 101 class was just what I’d been looking for to gain tools and confidence to heal common ailments more naturally. I’d been looking unsuccessfully for a class for some time after my son was born. When I reached out to Jackie she offered to set one up if I was able to help recruit enough people to join in. She covered the history of homeopathy in addition to helping us navigate the difference between herbal and homeopathic remedies. I would highly recommend the class for anyone who’s curious to learn more about how to use homeopathy!” — Julie H.
Forms and Instructions
Here are some forms you may need. Just click on the links to access these documents. When you are coming for your first appointment, bring the completed health evaluation and client bill of rights.
Health_Evaluation_Form – fillable PDF or print and complete by hand
Remedy Kits
Homeopathic Remedy Kits are an economical way to have commonly needed remedies on hand for injury, emergencies and acute illness. I keep these kits in stock. If you are interested in purchasing one contact me at: jackie@homeopathyminneapolis.com or 612-824-7808.
These kits make great holiday, birthday or new mom gifts. They are also a helpful resource for students at college.
The Helios Basic 36 Kit is strong, lightweight and compact. Each kit comes with a comprehensive booklet that introduces you to homeopathy and features an A – Z guide of symptoms that can be treated and a description of the main uses of the remedies contained. Cost is $75.
The Helios Basic 36 Kit contains 30 different remedies all in 30C potency. Remedies included: aconite, ant-tart, apis, arg-nit, arnica, arsenicum, belladonna, bryonia, calc-carb, calendula, cantharsis, carbo-veg, chamomilla, china, drosera, gelsemium, hepar-sulf, hypericum, ignatia, ipecac, kali -bi, lachesis, ledum, lycopodium, mag-phos, mercurius, nat-mur, nux-vomica, phosphorus, pulsatilla, rhus-tox, ruta, sepia, silica, staphisagria, and sulphur.
The remedies are contained in 2g glass bottles holding approximately 35 doses in pellet form.
Referral partners
I welcome referrals and enjoy working closely with other practitioners to move their patients along to better health. Homeopathic care can be integrated into other alternative therapies and conventional medical care. For example, I have collaborated with physicians, chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists.
Medication can be continued during homeopathic treatment.
Please call me to talk about whether homeopathy may be an appropriate component of your patient’s care.
Links to recommended practitioners:
Wellness Center, therapeutic massage and float tank
Kate Birch, for an understanding of homeoprophylaxis protocol
Edina Family Chiropractic, Dr. Chris Bargmann, chiropractic
50th and France Chiropractic and Wellness, Dr. Carrie, Clark: chiropractic, nutrition​
Move Colonics, Natalie Davis, colon hydrotherapy